Finding Perfect Work

Author: The Career Passion® Coach |

Blog by The Career Passion® Coach

Perhaps you have been working from home and have decided you are in the wrong job, the wrong company, or serving the wrong clients. Or, you’ve been furloughed, and you’re wondering IF you will have a job in the next month, the month after, or whenever.

Now is the time to transition to Perfect Work. Before you go off into passion land, saying “I want work that doesn’t FEEL like work,” I want to warn you: There are no perfect jobs, only perfect work. There will always be tough deadlines, unreasonable clients, arbitrary policies, inept bosses, stupid rules, and mysterious office politics. But doing the right work helps make all these things tolerable. Even irrelevant.

There are no perfect JOBS, but your job is to find your perfect WORK.

Perfect work is a position that:

  1. Fits your behavior style: Most professionals have been tested for behavior style – DISC, Myers-Briggs or Strengths Finder, to mention a few. Round up that assessment and read it over. Imagine jobs that allow you to be more of who you are.
  2. Is both comfortable and a challenge: In your perfect work, there is a balance between feeling in command, on top of your game, and a little off-center because the job requires that you be creative, resourceful, and hard-working. Achievers love a challenge and love a challenging job.
  3. Allows you to learn and grow: The online tools we’re given to make our jobs easier actually present some of the biggest learning challenges. There are always soft skill challenges, too, like learning how to manage people, deliver bad news, or negotiate a resolution. Keep remembering how satisfied you feel when you’ve mastered something difficult!
  4. Provides a congenial environment: While you may not want or need friends at work, the workplace needs to be friendly. You can even influence this yourself by positively interacting with all your coworkers, even the difficult ones. In this time of transition, choose your work environment carefully!
  5. Provides a good physical environment: This will mean different things to different people. Perhaps the best physical work locale is outdoors for you. For another, it’s air-conditioned, quiet office space. Another might prefer to work at home.
  6. Offers a fair political environment: So much perfect work has been ruined by nepotism, unfair favoritism, unmanageable managers, and other corporate evils. To have perfect work, you need to feel you can WIN in a political battle. You need to feel you can assert your values (tactfully) and be heard and respected. You need to feel supported, based on the value you bring the organization.
  7. Is meaningful to you: This is perhaps the most personal requirement. Any position can be meaningful if you look at the larger picture. Hairdressers can take pride in helping their clients look great and feel more confident. Computer salespeople can take pride in providing tools that help people work at home and learn online. It’s the helping, creating and counseling that’s meaningful. Find what you like to provide, and then make sure it’s a part of your next job.

Sorting through all of this, alone, can be overwhelming. That’s why my clients hire a career coach to help brainstorm ideas, vet jobs, and create a resume that proves you can do it. I’m the Career Passion® Coach, not because I only work with clients trying to find their passion. I’m passionate about helping everyone I meet to find their perfect work. Can I help you?

On your side,

Catherine Jewell
The Career Passion® Coach

PS: With Covid-19, my business has taken a dive, just like yours. I have specially priced packages to help you jump-start your next career move. Now is the time to start. Employers are hiring. Furloughed employees have found other jobs. All this movement in the economy provides opportunity. If you’d like to discuss an investment in your future, set up a Career Strategy Session today.

Categories: Career Coach , Career Coaching , Career Counseling , Career Strategy , Career Testing , Electric Kitchen Composter , Food Waste Composting Machine , Home Essentials , Interview Preparation , Job Search Help , Resume Branding Statement , Resume Writing , Salary Negotiations

