Use Coincidence as Your Career Catalyst

Author: The Career Passion® Coach |

Blog by The Career Passion® Coach

Have you ever been thinking about someone, and that person called you at that exact moment? Have you ever said to yourself, “I wonder if Company X is hiring?” In the next few days, you not only see lots of job openings at Company X, but many of them look right for you. Then, when you open LinkedIn, you see the perfect job has been posted, in your town, at that company.

The idea of coincidence is that two things occur at the same time, as if by accident. I believe in coincidence, but not the accident. I live by intuition and I have learned that it’s important to see coincidences as messages that need attention.

You might say that coincidences are gifts from your Guides, your Higher Self, your Guardian Angel, or even God. Whatever you call coincidences, you might want to pay attention.

What we think about, we bring about. If you experience a coincidence, it is likely because you noticed a link to your thinking and what happened. Chances are, you have just experienced manifesting, or bringing something about by thinking about it.

Let’s say you want a job as a real estate financial analyst. You go to a professional association and just happen to meet a person who knows about a job that’s right for you. Chances are, you spoke clearly about your desires.

Or, did you just think them? The thought was so much a part of your behavior that you may not remember saying “financial analyst,” but your new acquaintance got the message loud and clear. Your speaking is creating your world.

If you want to truly understand your desires, listen to what you say.

Take coincidence as a positive sign. You either were seeking an answer, if just subconsciously, or you desired something. Whatever the coincidence, take it as a green light. If the opportunity looks good and feels right to you, go for it.

Act with speed. A coincidence is a window of opportunity opening for you. Just like a window, it might take a little effort to go through it. Act on the idea quickly and see how your chances of success multiply. The Universe loves speed. So do clients, prospects, future employers, family members, and friends. YOU are the one who sees all the barriers in front of you. Act on the good vibes you get and you will be amazed at the results.

Be grateful. Understand that life is an adventure to be savored. Sometimes a defeat will later reveal itself as a blessing in disguise. When you first bump up against a barrier, especially if it is also a coincidence, just say, “Now, isn’t that interesting?”

I learned this technique from a fellow trainer. She experienced a negative response to something she had said in a workshop. Instead of taking the comment personally, she simply said, “That’s interesting. Tell me more.” Instead of feeling defeated, she was grateful that one person’s feedback revealed her communication wasn’t clear. The negative feedback actually enhanced her training in the long run.

Be in wonder, not in worry. You might have heard this saying: the ordinary person worries, while a spiritual person wonders. Be in wonder about where those new ideas, opportunities, or relationships will take you. Life is a journey that takes us on twists and turns. Each turn in the road gives us an opportunity to learn and grow. Always approach your new opportunity with wonder, and you won’t be disappointed.

Life isn’t fair, you know. The odds are actually stacked in your favor!

I love hearing stories from my readers about how coincidence has played a role in their successes. Please email me your great story.

On your side,

Catherine Jewell

The Career Passion® Coach

PS: If you would like to discuss your career journey, I would love to hear from you. Sign up for a free consultation by phone.

Categories: Career Advice , Career Coaching , Career Counseling , Career Strategy , Career Wisdom , Job Search

