Georgetown Career Coaching Blog

Blog by The Career Passion® Coach

Blog by - The Career Passion® Coach

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    Want More Freedom?


    Got freedom?

    The 4th of July gets me thinking about freedom. As Americans, we are probably the most free society on the planet. Yet, many of us feel we are “locked into” jobs that are not satisfying. I think some job distress comes from an overall feeling that ALL our time is committed. When we aren’t working, we have

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    Is your salary enough? Prove it or move it.


    It seems like getting a fair wage is tougher than ever, especially for seasoned salaried professionals. Here are some of the reasons why:

    Your dollar just doesn’t stretch like it used to: Think about it—everything from your morning coffee to

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    You don’t know? Yes, you do.


    Feeling lost in your career journey? You're not alone. Most of us feel lost sometimes, unsure of our next move. But guess what? Deep down, we often have a clue about what we want. We just might not want to admit it – even to ourselves.

    So, if you're stuck in the "I don't know what I want in my career" loop, let's break it down. Here are five straightforward tips...

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    My father told me so


    Where do you get your advice?

    A client recently told me that she stayed three years in an abusive work relationship because her 85-year-old father told her she couldn’t afford to leave.  

    Yes, three years with a toxic boss who made her feel small, called her stupid to her face and called out fictitious “mistakes” in front of others. There’s no other word for this behavior: Abuse. And abuse has no place in the workplace.

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    Begin Again with Affirmations


    “You CAN Begin Again,” was the sermon we heard each January from the pastor of our church. I never tired of hearing the message. A New Year can be a wonderful source of motivation: Everything is renewed again and again. Any mistakes and shortcomings you have can be overcome. You are in a constant state of evolution—always moving forward, going higher and higher in achievement.

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    Rock your job hunt during the holidays!


    The holidays are here, and while some may say it's a tough time to job hunt, I’m here to tell you that it's also a golden opportunity to prepare for your future career.

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