3 Little Words
Want meaning, autonomy and respect?
Americans are quitting “perfectly good jobs” in droves. The September 2021 labor statistics show voluntary resignations hit a 20-year high of 4.4 million! The media is calling it the Great Resignation.
Lots of reasons for this including:
- Increased job burnout (people are Zoomed-out)
- Workers refusing to go back into the workplace, because they like being remote
- Workers not feeling meaning, autonomy, and respect in their work.
Hey, the last one is huge! Professionals are finally willing to say:
“I want to feel my work means something. I want to feel I’m contributing.”
“I want to have more autonomy and authority in my expertise area.”
“I want to feel respected at work.”
It’s a trend employers are feeling keenly. Every time an employee resigns, employers are looking at $15,000-$20,000 just for replacement costs! Never mind the “brain drain” of losing someone who is holding down the fort, doing hundreds of process steps that are not captured, and not documented anywhere.
If you want to be part of the Great Resignation, here are some things to consider BEFORE you jump:
- Create a digital life raft. Looking for work is hard, and much harder without your business contacts and work samples. This article tells you how to prepare before you write that resignation email.
- Spiff up your resume: Make sure it’s current, with your latest projects. Also, add in key achievements from the last year. (You got the company online in 90 days, didn’t you?) Check out this article for tips on making your resume shine.
- Ask for a “Stay Interview.” This is the opposite of the “exit interview.” Covid has taught all of us that life is precious, and we don’t want to waste our time in a frustrating, unfulfilling job. If you are really unhappy, let your manager know you have cooked up “some ways we can be more effective.” Let your leader know you are unhappy; give some solutions; then, give them a month or two to make it better.
- Ask for a Great Raise. If you have been with a company 5 or more years, you are probably underpaid – by 30-50%. In order to get an increase of this magnitude, you will need to redesign your job (or perhaps align the description and title with the job you actually perform!). I have helped a number of clients do this – and stay with companies they love.
- Make a decision to stay or go. You will be better able to tolerate your current job, if you have a job search going on in the background. If there is a merger or reorganization that takes you out, you are already in the process of looking for work.
- As you make these moves, be professional. Reveal your plan to only the very trusted advisors. When you make an exit, do it with grace and gratitude.
They say, “Charity begins at home.” Realize that you are your best (and worst) career advisor. Get into action before action overtakes you.
On your side,
Catherine Jewell
The Career Passion® Coach
PS: It’s always easier with a coach to guide the way. I have new packages and payment plans for 2022. Connect with me soon to reserve your spot!
Categories: Career Coach , Career Coaching , Career Counseling , Career Strategy , Career Testing , Interview Preparation , Job Search Help , Resume Branding Statement , Resume Writing , Salary Negotiations