Is This A 2-Scoop Day?
Every morning, my husband and I start the day with our favorite protein shake. It’s a perfect 150-calorie breakfast that lasts until lunch time.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I pack the shake with 2 scoops of protein powder, to help my husband power through 2 hours of racquetball that afternoon. He is planning to expend a lot of energy, so it’s important that he get a lot of support! Interestingly, I never add an extra scoop for me. Today, I have 2 client meetings, 1 hour of yoga, and I’m teaching a 3-hour class tonight!
Why is it that we can understand how others need support, but we don’t get that it’s important for us, too? You might need 2 scoops to get through the emotional, psychological or physical challenges of the day.
Job seeking is hard work. If you are changing careers, it’s even harder. You look for jobs, you apply, you get ghosted over and over. It seems that no one is paying attention to you. You start to believe your efforts will never pay off.
Learn to support YOURSELF through the tough days, weeks and months of your Job Search. Here are some ideas:
- Don’t should on yourself! Your Inner Critic is always going to tell you that you are not enough, you didn’t accomplish enough, or that you handled a situation badly. Rather than get lost in “would-a, could-a, should-a,” be kind to yourself and just ask the question, “What’s next for me?”
- Take your inner monologue into dialogue.* That’s why coaches usually schedule a weekly call to “check in.” Don’t let discouraging thoughts circle in your brain. Talk to someone who will help you sort out the ideas, make suggestions, and offer encouragement.
- Eat well. We all know we should eat a balanced diet, with foods that provide good nutrition. We seldom make the connection between eating junk, and feeling like junk. I got a taste of this over the holidays, and realized that I actually feel better when I eat better. Try it. If nothing else, you will feel the satisfaction of protecting your health.
- Start each day with silence or meditation. When you give yourself even a half-hour of quiet time each morning, you will start to realize what your true priorities are. You will start making to-do lists that are relevant to your goals. Most of all, you can face your challenges with calm.
- Give yourself a treat. When we were little, my brothers and sisters would beg to go for rides in the car. We just wanted some time with Daddy, and to get out. Dad would say, “If you’re good, we’ll stop for ice cream.” This treat was enough to keep all 6 of us on our best behavior. How are you treating yourself today? Do you ever go to a movie mid-week? Do you take a break and feed the ducks in the park? Do you reward yourself with a massage?
On those days when you need 2 scoops, be a friend to yourself, and take care of YOU. When you are rested, well fed and feel pampered, you can face any challenge – even getting a new job.
On your side,
Catherine Jewell
Career Passion® Coach
*If you would like to dialogue about your Career Change, Job Search, or a special job challenge such as a reorganization or possible promotion, sign up for my complimentary Career Strategy Session. In it, we will talk about your goals and dreams, sort out some options, and help you determine your next best steps.
Categories: Career Coach , Career Coaching , Career Counseling , Career Strategy , Career Testing , Electric Kitchen Composter , Food Waste Composting Machine , Home Essentials , Interview Preparation , Job Search Help , Resume Branding Statement , Resume Writing , Salary Negotiations