Georgetown Career Coaching Blog

Blog by The Career Passion® Coach

Blog by - The Career Passion® Coach

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    Want a guarantee that you’ll get the job?


    We all know how nerve-wracking job interviews can be. But did you know that a few words at the end of the interview can almost guarantee you’ll get the job? Ask for it. Yes, you read that right! Asking for the job can be a game-changer. Here’s why:

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    Love Your Career Past? Or hate it?


    It is natural and normal to regret the past. Whether you are job seeking, changing careers, or wanting a promotion, it’s normal to regret career decisions of the past.

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    Rock your job hunt during the holidays!


    The holidays are here, and while some may say it's a tough time to job hunt, I’m here to tell you that it's also a golden opportunity to prepare for your future career.

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  • Score your dream job with this simple strategy

    Score your dream job with this simple strategy


    Let’s face it, competition for jobs is fierce. Today, you have to go the extra mile to attract attention and get an interview. Here are 5 discreet, practical strategies that will put you head and shoulders above the competition. No one has the time to do this for ALL job leads, but when you feel it’s the perfect opportunity, go for the SCORE.

    S - Search on LinkedIn to find employees or company executives you can contact. Connect with an employee, learn about the company, and ask them to forward your resume.

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  • Screwdriver or power drill

    Screwdriver or power drill


    Screwdriver or power drill? Which would you use?

    In your job search, speed is of the essence. Time is money and every week you are without work, you are losing net worth.

    For example: if you make $100,000 a year, divide that by 52 and realize you make $1923 each week. Losing an important interview could set you back thousands of dollars. Missing an important lead could result in another 6 months of searching, or around $50,000.

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