Ted, 62

Author: Mock Webware |

Blog by The Career Passion® Coach

122% Paralegal

Title: Paralegal

Situation: Ted was in a very lucrative kind of law: personal injury. Instead of making big bucks, Ted was isolated, working 50-60-hour weeks for a demanding, unreasonable team of lawyers in another city. He not only prepared disclosures and support documents; he even wrote legal briefs– all for $20 per hour! When a big case came up, he worked non-stop, sometimes topping out at 18 hours a day!

Strategy: We investigated salaries and found he was well qualified for the job of Paralegal Manager. He even had a career history of teaching and coaching. His task was to successfully network into the right law firm.

New Position: Paralegal Manager

Days in Search: 112

Old Salary: $41K

New Salary: $91K (122% Increase)

