Career change at 30?

Author: The Career Passion® Coach |

Blog by The Career Passion® Coach

Are you nuts?

Parents, friends, and your significant other are all likely to be shocked and upset if you announce you want a career change at 30. After all, you’ve barely scratched the surface of the student loans for your degree. You’ve already had three different jobs, while your parents would have had ONE by now.

What’s up?

Well, it could be that you have just enough experience to fully understand who you are. You’ve “been there, done that” in several positions, and by now you’re clear about what you DON’T want. Bravo! That’s a great place to start!

Here are some tips to get you started on an “early” career change, whether you are 30, 35, (or even) 40:

  1. Start with what you know. It’s silly to throw away 7-10 years of experience by making a complete change. Look at similar companies. Check out the vendors you work with daily. Find new contacts in competitive companies.
  2. Make an inventory of the skills you have acquired. Go back over your jobs and write down all the responsibilities you have had. These are going to be the “ing” words in your job descriptions – budgeting, planning events, making presentations, gathering research, finding solutions, consulting with clients, managing a project, supervising a team, etc. These are your transferable skills. Chances are, you actually LOVE doing something that wasn’t in your job description. That something could give you an idea for your new career.
  3. Look around the organization for a new opportunity. You might be able to change functions and improve your chances for career passion. One client decided after 10 years of supervision and operations that she might enjoy sales. She found a mentor to sponsor her, and voila, an internal move that significantly increased her income. She was the perfect sales candidate because management knew her work style and she knew the company’s services inside and out.
  4. Network to learn about other jobs in your industry. Start close to home – network with vendors, clients, and employees of competitors. Find out if you are qualified for a slightly different position in a company you already know about. Sometimes, you can execute a move like this with one interview. You typically will have no competition, because you were referred in.
  5. Create your own position. Chances are good that there are gaps in the service provided to your customers. Is there a job that would bridge that gap? Is there a service that would both improve customer service and profits? Create a job or product description and propose it to management. If this doesn’t work, go back to item 4.
  6. Get some professional help. The average job search takes 7.2 months. You can accelerate the process with some competent career advice. A Career Coach can guide you to new positions, similar industries, or even completely new jobs that require the skills you already have.
  7. Get started NOW. Don’t wait until the reorganization or the merger pushes you out. Be proactive about planning your career.

You will be amazed. Just having a PLAN will give you new confidence and make you feel more powerful. You might decide to stay right where you are and work for the next promotion! Whatever you decide, it will be ON PURPOSE. That’s a great feeling.

On your side,

Catherine Jewell
The Career Passion® Coach

PS: My schedule is wide open. If you’d like to discuss your career, you can schedule a no-obligation phone call by clicking this link.

